Sunday, April 17, 2011

Monday Malady

Monday never works well for me...


I never work well on Monday


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lambada Libido

When I had my child some 3 years ago, out of all the advices that I received, one really made a mark in my cerebral cortex

Not because its anything special or far apart from other advices that I've received

This one is actually true...

I was told...
                  "After the birth of your first child...YOU'LL NEVER FEEL LIKE HAVING SEX AGAIN"

...and the fact that she told me what she told me with no care in the world makes me wonder is it true?

...turns out

Hell yeah! The last thing that I want after a very exhausting day at work and then come home to cook and clean and everything else is to be pounded like a lesung

pow! pow! pow!

..and it takes a long time for me to be all hot and ready and lubricated and sexy and all...its hard work

and I'm so malas...and tired

Pity my husband though....been following me around like a raccoon in heat hihihi

So yeah I have a plan to get all hot and sexay tonight just for ma man yo!

Babe we need to get away just the 2 (+1) of us ;)

I'll totally rock your ...ummm world hahahah

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Been drowning my cough in this...

I supposed its ok to be taking the whole bottle by midday?

Is it just me or is the office is moving?

Agaknya inilah perasaan seorang mat pit yang telan ubat batuk

