Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So it's that time of the year again....where we all get sweaty and fidgety and crazy

A.P.P.R.A.I.S.A.L - a nine-letter word that made my blood goes 'upstairs' (my blood pressure shooting through the roof) and just about everyone in the office is literally cuckoo.

There's the hair-twirler, the pencil-muncher, the copy machine-humper....crazy I tell ya!

But honest to god, I don't give a rat's arse

Cause my boss is a certified A-Holer...and I'm being kind here.

I busted my wobbly @ss the whole of last year, holding the fort all by myself....and later was told that "I don't deserve my high marks?"

Go shred your balls with the shredder.

What the h3ll am I still doing here??


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